5 Key Ad Trends for 2023: What This Means for Your iGaming Brand

5 Key Ad Trends for 2023: What This Means for Your iGaming Brand






With Safari and Firefox offering cookie protection and Google postponing 3rd party cookie removal until Q3 2024, a first party data strategy is essential when continuing to build and thrive in a cookie- less world.


First party data allows organisations to directly understand consumer behaviour, offering a targeted, personalised experience—a win-win. Although not as extensive as 3rd party data, it enables addressing consumer needs more effectively.


To emulate Amazon’s first party data success, consider key aspects like efficient data collection and processing—investing in data platforms, creating an iGaming AdTech Walled Garden, analysing data trends, adapting to changing data regulations, and partnering with AdTech providers focused on first-party infrastructure and transparent data sharing.





We’ve all heard ‘you only get one chance to make a first impression’—

a statement that rings true in the online gaming and gambling world. Attracting younger gamers is the industry’s challenge, as different generations seek distinct experiences online.


Consider how Millennials and Boomers value a great experience versus Gen Z, who generally prefer the social aspect of gambling, are sceptical of online ads, expect fewer clicks, and value personalisation.


How can we address these trends and cater to each customer?

Besides a seamless onboarding and user-friendly gambling experience, ponder the long-term interaction with your brand. Are messages clear and concise? Are we prioritising high-quality, relevant ads over bombarding users?


To enhance the gamer advertising experience, contextual targeting is crucial for online gambling’s future.


Cutting-edge solutions using NLP AI and a knowledge graph will enable better content contextualisation for sentiment and brand health.


Contextual advertising creates a natural feel, convincing users an ad belongs where it’s placed.




The ongoing trend of increased mobile gambling engagement, as mentioned in the State of the Market, emphasises the need for an optimised mobile advertising strategy to capture and engage gamers.


Expect more ads designed for smaller screens with responsive design elements for resolution and screen sizes.


Alongside, in-app or in-game advertising, vertical video ads, and location-based targeting will gain importance, focusing on users near casinos or gambling-friendly environments.

To boost mobile advertising effectiveness, native advertising should be employed, ensuring higher engagement without being intrusive.


This approach leads to a better consumer experience and increased CTR.




A major trend on the rise is Connected TV usage in homes.


With nearly 50% of all homes, around 1.1 billion, expected to own a smart TV by 2050 according to Strategy Analytics, and over 50% of advertisers, publishers, and agencies considering connected TV as a key channel for programmatic growth per IAB’s report, it’s crucial to explore its potential for reaching new consumer segments.


In December and March, Netflix and Disney+ joined Hulu, Roku, and YouTube in introducing ad-supported tiers, monetising lower-tier accounts and adding more content. The vast data held by streaming companies reveals Walled Gardens emerging. A significant challenge is measuring and identifying users, with Nielsen partnering with Roku to reduce waste and improve ad targeting.


However, there’s a caveat for gambling advertising on these platforms, as Netflix doesn’t allow it. We’ll closely monitor this situation as these accounts expand globally.




Over the past few years, we’ve seen a steady shift towards programmatic advertising through in-house teams or agencies, leveraging AdTech. This trend is expected to continue into 2023, with the market projected to be valued at nearly $650 billion in 2027, a significant increase from $174 billion in 2022.


Undoubtedly, marketing departments face increased competition, budget constraints, and the need to ensure advertising effectiveness and ROI.


Programmatic advertising enables organisations to target specific audiences in real-time with precision, while optimising ad buying through AI and building a first-party data repository to improve future campaigns.


We believe that programmatic advertising and AdTech will be vital solutions for addressing trends and challenges in the online gambling industry.


A more comprehensive analysis of programmatic advertising can be found in our full whitepaper which you can download here:

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